Jay Wilkinson is the founder of the Do More Good Movement—an organization created to educate, empower and amplify companies and business leaders doing more good. The company he founded, Firespring is Nebraska’s first Certified B Corporation and has been featured in Inc. Magazine as one of the Top 50 Places to Work in America. His TEDx talk on company culture has more than 1 million views.
For decades, Jay has been one of the highest rated speakers for audiences all over the world with his heart-first messages and his ability to inspire people to find a better way.
If you’ve spent any part of the past several weeks feeling helpless, you’re not alone—it’s so easy to get overwhelmed right now. But at Firespring, we’re not letting those feelings or this crisis we’re facing define us; in fact, we’re doing the opposite. We’re choosing empowerment. Now is a time to band together and become a stronger force than the one that’s crippling communities around the world. Firespring has partnered with our friends at Nonprofit Hub and Do More Good to create the #Nonprofit Matching-Fund Initiative. This project is part of the #GivingTuesdayNow movement on May 5 that’s been created to mobilize the...
As the COVID-19 pandemic sweeps the world, many organizations are requiring or strongly encouraging their employees to work from home. Firespring has nearly all of its team members at home right now, and we stand in solidarity with organizations facing these uncharted waters. Social distancing for the greater good requires a certain amount of sacrifice—we definitely won’t be taking a face-to-face meeting for granted anytime soon. When isolation is the name of the game, connectedness can be elusive. Still, we make do with what we have and rely on our secret weapon—technology—to communicate as normally as possible. Company culture is o...
One of the best ways to add fresh content to your nonprofit website is with a blog. This will add vitality to your site as well as position you as a thought leader in your space. You might be thinking to yourself, “I don’t know how to blog. How can I make this successful?” If you’re going to blog, do it right—don’t add content just for the sake of adding content. And, when you create a team blog, it’s not a major undertaking for any one person—the responsibility is shared. Here are three of six elements I believe are necessary for a great, well-written and effective blog. 1. Blogs...